Rejection algorithms

ConceptPercentile Clipping

This is a one step rejection algorithm ideal for small sets of data (up to 6 images).

ConceptSigma Clipping

This is an iterative algorithm which will reject pixels whose distance from median will be farthest than two given values in sigma units(σlow, σhigh).

ConceptMedian MAD clipping

It is similar to the sigma clipping except the median absolute deviation (MAD) is used instead of the standard deviation to compute the rejection bounds around the median of the stack.

ConceptMedian Sigma Clipping

This is the same algorithm as Sigma Clipping except than the rejected pixels are replaced by the median value of the stack.

ConceptWinsorized Sigma Clipping

This is very similar to Sigma Clipping method Sigma Clipping


It uses an algorithm based on Huber's work 1[1] 2[2]

ConceptGeneralized Extreme Studentized Deviate Test


ConceptLinear Fit Clipping

It fits the best straight line (y=ax+b) of the pixel stack and rejects outliers. This algorithm performs very well with large stacks and images containing sky gradients with differing spatial distributions and orientations.

This is an algorithm developed by Juan Conejero[2], main developer of PixInsight.


This algorithm is very efficient to remove satellite/plane tracks.