Some processing results made with Siril
Many pictures have been uploaded onto AstroBin indicating that Siril was used to process them. Thanks to all users!
Below is a highlight of the best results obtained with Siril.
C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy (©C. Pouzenc)
- 158 x 30", Winsorized Sigma Clipping
M33 (©C. Pouzenc)
- 32 x 20 min in L, binning 1x1.
- 6 x 10 min in R, binning 1x1.
- 9 x 10 min in G, binning 1x1.
- 8 x 10 min in B, binning 1x1.
C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy with M45 (©C. Pouzenc)
- 32 x 120", Winsorized Sigma Clipping
M27 nebulae (©C. Pouzenc)
- 26 x 20 min in L, binning 1x1.
- 11 x 10 min in R, binning 2x2.
- 4 x 10 min in G, binning 2x2.
- 6 x 10 min in B, binning 2x2.
LRGB composition with Siril compositing tool.
Wide field in Cassiopeia (©C. Pouzenc)
- 90 x 120"
C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy in Cassiopeia (©V. Boudon)
- 60 x 30", Winsorized Sigma Clipping
Jupiter (©C. Richard):
- 450 images stacked over 900 on a SER video, wavelets, white balance, crop.
The Moon (©V. Hourdin):
- 19 raw images manually aligned, unsharp mask, white balance, crop.
A star trail image (©C. Richard):
- Pre-processing with darks and offsets, no alignment required, pixel maximum stacking, background extraction, subtraction of green noise, enhancement of saturation.
(The image above has been reduced and converted to PNG format)
M33 (©V. Cohas, Processed by C. Richard):
- Pre-processing with darks, offsets and flats, sum stacking, color calibration, subtraction of green noise, enhancement of saturation.
NGC7635 (©S. Billot):
- Pre-processing with darks, offsets and flats, Winsorized stacking, background extraction, color calibration, subtraction of green noise, enhancement of saturation.
37 x 180" ISO1600
NGC7635 (©Cyril Richard)
- 12 raw images + darks/bias/flats (1 hour)
- Pre-processing with Winsorized Sigma Clipping algorithm, background extraction, color calibration, midtones transfer function, green noise reduction and enhancement of saturation.
Cygnus supernovae remnant (a.k.a. cygnus loop) (©fphg) via AstroBin
- 14 x 600" on EOS 70D on 71ED in city + OIII filter
- Pre-processing with offsets, darks and flats, debayer, one star registration (translation only), sum stacking, background extraction, colour calibration, median filter.
Occultation of star TYC 0075-00715-1 by asteroid 41 Daphne, on Jan, 17 2016. Acquired by the TFG team, processed by V. Hourdin and C. Richard.

Several 4 seconds videos were taken at one minute interval before and after the event, and a long video for the main event. No preprocessing data was acquired, only raw grabs from analog videos with GPS time inscruster adding even more noise. See an extract of the raw video or as an image on the right, extracted from the first video.
Many new features of Siril have been created in order to process this particular image and are now available for everybody. The complete steps required are:
- automatic sum stacking of all sequences found in a directory, in this case AVI films, with no registration and no preprocessing
- adding a command for easy selection of a large range of images inside a sequence, to stack the two occultation frames
- sequence crop for all stacked files, to remove the time insert
- creating a master dark frame from a single real image modified with extreme scaling to filter hot pixels and application of this frame with the cosmetic filter for pre-processing
- one-star registration and manual registration for a few frames
- sequence application of the banding noise removal was made possible
- sequence export with registration data and frame normalization into a GIF file.