Revision as of 02:45, 19 February 2013 by Vincent (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Fonctionnalités==")


Siril était supposé être Iris pour Linux (sirI-L). C'est un outil de traitement d'images pour l'astronomie, capable de travailler sur des séquences d'images, de les aligner (manuellement pour l'instant) et les de empiler. Il correspond donc bien aux astronomes amateurs ayant un faible volume d'images à traiter, surtout de mauvaise qualité, pour lesquelles les logiciels automatisés ont le plus de mal à trouver les points d'alignement. Cette page présente une nouvelle version de Siril, l'ancienne n'étant plus maintenue, moins stable, mais intégrant plus de fonctionnalités (lien projet Sourceforge et site Web).

Le logiciel a été mis à jour pour les bibliothèques des systèmes d'exploitation récents (principalement pour GTK+3) et est encore développement et légèrement instable. Cette page est la nouvelle page temporaire de la nouvelle version de Siril. Quand cette version sera stable et avec assez de fonctionnalités, peut-être que la page sourceforge officielle sera mise à jour.

Siril fonctionne de façon interne avec des images FITS, en 16 bits non signé, pour chaque couleur de chaque pixel. Toutes les images que vous voudrez traiter avec Siril devront être converties à ce format, ce que Siril sait très bien faire, mais cela peut prendre beaucoup d'espace disque... Voir le tutoriel sur l'empilage.


New features are being introduced quite regularly. Usual software features are explained with screen captures on the stacking tutorial page, and main features are:

  • Native image format support
    • unsigned 16-bit FITS files
    • SER files
    • AVI files soon
  • Image conversion (to the native FITS format only)
    • Supported input types: 8-bit BMP, short movie files (like .AVI), NetPBM binary images, RAW images (.CR2 and .NEF for now).
  • Image registration; supported methods:
    • Translation for one selected star alignment using FFT. This is not working fine at all.
    • Manual translation with two preview renderings of the current image with reference frame in transparency.
    • Image rotation is not implemented yet, but is under consideration.
    • Using Theli is considered too, to align frames with a map (fixes image distortion, rotation, translation, according to many stars referenced by astrometry data).
  • Image stacking
    • Summing and median stacking.
  • Pre-processing of images with multi-channel offset, dark and flat images.

Status of the new version (TODO and BUGS)

Dec 2, 2012: Version 61 begins the support for SER files (a frame sequence container) native use.

Oct 8, 2012: Version 54 is the first version actually able to stack (manually-)aligned images.

The best information is available in the SVN log. A file is also available on the SVN, TODO, that has a more precise list of things to do and known bugs.

  • Only color images and movies have been tested for now. Movies with numerous frames will require several GB of storage for now, since each frame is written to disk with a 16-bit pixel depth.
  • Only 3-channel colour images assigned to R, G and B are possible. Other assignations are to come, for LRGB or narrowband composition
  • Command line has been deactivated
  • FWHM function does not work properly (badly implemented, soon fixed using astrofocuser's code)
  • Automatic translation registration is not working well, but manual alignment can be done in a convenient way
  • Warning: RAW images appear darker than in rawstudio or other RAW images visualisation tool because no automatic color and gamma correction are used
  • Siril has light and contrast levels control with the common hi and lo cursors, but no gamma correction or other non-linear scaling is available
  • Median stack is limited to 50 frames to limit out of memory likeliness
  • 16-bit BMP import fails

Compilation and installation

Siril is currently only released as source from its subversion base. There is a package for the Arch Linux system, built from the source, in AUR. For other OS, you need Subversion (svn command) to retrieve it and autotools and gcc to compile it. Mandatory dependencies are gtk+-3.4, cfitsio and fftw. Optional are dcraw and mplayer for RAW and AVI conversion, and can be installed after Siril's install. The address of the SVN base is:

(sorry for the bad certificate - this URL does not work for online souce viewing with old web browsers). The source is read-only if you have no particular authorization. If you want to participate to Siril and be able to commit on the svn, send a message to user Vincent here.

Once you have got Siril's source code, it's easy to install it. Siril is managed with autotools, so it's simply built using ./configure and make. If configure has weird errors, try running:

$ aclocal && autoconf && autoheader && automake --add-missing

before retrying it. To install Siril, use the usual:

$ make install

Default installation directory is probably /usr/local. To launch Siril, the command name is siril.