Some processing results made with Siril
The Moon (©V. Hourdin):
- 19 raw images manually aligned, unsharp mask, white balance, crop.
A star trail image (©C. Richard):
- Pre-processing with darks and offsets, no alignment required, pixel maximum stacking, background extraction, subtraction of green noise, enhancement of saturation.
(The image above has been reduced and converted to PNG format)
M33 (©V. Cohas):
- Pre-processing with darks, offsets and flats, sum stacking, color calibration, subtraction of green noise, enhancement of saturation.
NGC7635 (©S. Billot):
- Pre-processing with darks, offsets and flats, sum stacking.
37 x 180" ISO1600
M8 & M20 (©Astro Romain, Processed by C. Richard)
- Pre-processing with Winsorized Sigma Clipping algorithm, background extraction, color calibration, midtones transfer function, green noise reduction and enhancement of saturation.