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Siril 0.9.3

Release date: Apr 12th, 2016.

This release is the second stability release for the 0.9 branch. Its SVN revision is 1323, but it also has an SVN tag: 0.9.3. Stability updates and minor improvements occur in the dedicated 0.9 branch.


Note: This version of siril can export sequences in animated Gif. But, due to version number of giflib in Ubuntu < 16.04, only the package Ubuntu (16.04) and Linux Mint 18 uses this feature. This feature will be removed in future version anyway, to switch to more modern formats like html5-compliant films. Debian testing version has no problem.

See the installation page for help on dependencies and compilation.

What's new in Siril 0.9.3

Siril 0.9.3 is a stability release: it contains one bug fix and over to the previous version, Siril:0.9.2:

  • dark calibration has been fixed
  • fixed build error in some conditions
  • fixed uninitialized variables

Note: support for films such as AVI has been dropped and many functions of Siril will not work for them, in favour of the SER format. This version of Siril provides a way to convert films into SER sequences, on which all Siril processing functions are supported.