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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)   13:05:23: Pixel rejection in channel #0: 0.388% - 0.304%
   13:05:23: Integration of 9 images:
   13:05:23: Normalization ............. multiplicative
   13:05:23: Pixel rejection ........... Winsorized sigma clipping
   13:05:23: Rejection parameters ...... low=3.400 high=3.700
 h French (fr)   13:05:23: Rejet des pixels dans le canal #0: 0.388% - 0.304%
   13:05:23: Intégration de 9 images:
   13:05:23: Combinaison ............... moyenne
   13:05:23: Normalisation ............. multiplicative
   13:05:23: Rejet des pixels .......... Winsorized sigma clipping
   13:05:23: Paramètres de rejet ....... bas=3.400 haut=3.700