Siril 0.9.0
Date de sortie: 28 Oct 2015
Cette version est la première version stable de Siril. Sa revision SVN est 1037 et il y a aussi un tag SVN: 0.9.0. Les mises à jour de stabilité et améliorations mineures seront effectuées dans la branche dédiée, 0.9.
Téléchargements :
- Sources : siril-0.9.0.tar.bz2
- Ubuntu, Linux Mint : 64 bits, 32 bits
- Debian : un paquet est disponible dans unstable, bientôt dans testing. Voici des paquets pour stable : 64 bits, 32 bits
- Bientôt d'autres.
Voir la page d'installation pour obtenir de l'aide sur les dépendances et la compilation.
What's new in Siril 0.9.0
Siril 0.9.0 is the first stable of the new version (2012-2015) of Siril. Contrary to the name of its previous version 0.9.0 rc1, it includes many new features on top of the stability improvements. Starting with this stable version, a more conventional release cycle will be used, with stability updates in subminor releases. Next stable version will be 1.0.
At mid-course during the development of this release, a bug tracking system has been introduced. Here is a link to all issues or feature requests fixed or included in this new version.
Here is a summary of these new features:
- new global star registration, taking into account field rotation
- new quality evaluation method for planetary images, used to sort the best
- images selected for stacking
- new parallelized stacking algorithm for all sequences, including all SER formats, allowing maximum used memory to be set
- threading of the most time consuming processings, to keep the GUI reactive, as well as many other speed improvements
- tested and improved on FreeBSD and MacOS X systems, and ARM architectures
- undo/redo on processing operations
- sequence cropping tool
Note: support for films such as AVI has been dropped and many functions of Siril will not work for them, in favour of the SER format. In a future release, we will allow their conversion to SER. In the mean time, only sum stacking should be working properly with them.